K1 Visa Process Timeline what couples can expect?

Since the start of USCIS in 2003 to the start of the Trump administration, petitioners and their alien fiancees have experienced new challenges and some hurdles that have set them back. Any reliable sources should be keeping up with the latest changes.
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When should the sponsor-petitioner file the I-129F?
K1 Visa Process Timeline filing your I-129F

Being prepared for the journey is something that every couple needs to be aware of before moving forward.
Filing an I-129F petition for alien fiancee has several steps that the couple needs to be prepared for.
Once the K1 Visa Process Timeline is set in motion, couples need to be ready!
- Be sure that the couple has physically met in person and have proof of that.
- Be sure that the couple has physically met in person and have proof of that.
- Be sure that the sponsor meets all of the income requirements.
- Be sure that the sponsor meets all of the income requirements.
- Is the couple prepared to disclose no less than 5 years of biographic information?
- Is the couple prepared to disclose no less than 5 years of biographic information?
- Does the couple have certified copies of divorce decrees to prove they are free to marry?
- Does the couple have certified copies of divorce decrees to prove they are free to marry?
- Does the couple have any criminal records and if so do you understand the process?
- Does the couple have any criminal records and if so do you understand the process?
- Is the alien fiance going to be able to get a passport if they did not yet get one?
The list of being prepared before filing is long and oftentimes requires a consultation to assist in guiding the couple to ensure that they have all of their bases covered before proceeding?
What does it mean, NOA1 receipt?
K1 Visa Process Timeline what is the NOA1?
The U.S. sponsor is the one who will receive the NOA1 – I-797C Notice of Action receipt.
This is the first real piece of information that the couple gets in the mail from the USCIS service center informing them that their I-129F petition is now in queue?
The NOA1 usually arrives to the sponsor through postal mail and can take between 10 and 14 days.
If you did not get yours at least within 21 days you need to call USCIS to found out what happened?
Sometimes USCIS tells you mailed it on such and such date if it gets lost in the mail then you the sponsor needs to make every effort in trying to locate the NOA1 letter as this is a very valuable receipt that should be in your hands for later use.
The importance of the NOA1:
The NOA1 comes with a receipt number on it that usually starts with three capital letters followed by nine numbers.
Example WAC201907230 this is so that USCIS can identify your petition type and the couple all through this receipt number.
Every couple likes to occasionally be able to find out what the status of their I-129F petition is so USCIS has a couple of methods for the couple to check on their application process by going here.
You can enter the receipt number here to see if there are any changes to your case?
CASE STATUS ONLINE you can also do a CASE PROCESSING TIME check, to get a more in-depth look at what USCIS is doing?
What to do once USCIS has our I-129F Petition?
K1 Visa Process Timeline taking advantage of the time.
If you filed your I-129F Petition correctly then you should have received an electronic confirmation notification by text message and email?
This comes about a week after you mailed the petition to USCIS.
After USCIS has had your I-129F petition for about a week they will send you a receipt called the I-797C Notice of Action receipt also known as the NOA2.
This will arrive at your postal mail and generally arrives 10 to 14 days from the time they got your petition.
The couple should know that the K1 Visa Process Timeline normally takes between 6 and 8 months,
depending on the couple’s case if it was a clean case or if the couple had a lot of additional things included such as multiple divorces, police records or lived at several addresses in 5 years?
An example of a clean case would be that neither of the couple has ever been married, they have no criminal records,
neither of them have moved to other addresses in the past 5 years and maybe both of them have been working at the same job over 5 years?
What a couple should be doing while waiting for the I-129F to be approved?

- The couple should be doing plenty of communication and documenting it.
- The couple should be doing plenty of communication and documenting it.
- Emails are very beneficial, postal letters, phone bill records, are good documentation.
- Emails are very beneficial, postal letters, phone bill records, are good documentation.
- Saving receipts for financial support and what it is used for is very beneficial.
- Saving receipts for financial support and what it is used for is very beneficial.
- If the sponsor can visit his alien fiance again and get receipts plus more couples photos this is very beneficial.
- If the sponsor can visit his alien fiance again and get receipts plus more couples photos this is very beneficial.
- If the alien fiancee can communicate with the sponsor’s family and save documentation of such this is very beneficial.
- If the alien fiancee can communicate with the sponsor’s family and save documentation of such this is very beneficial.
- If the alien fiancee has not yet got their passport then this is the time to work on one.
- If the alien fiancee has not yet got their passport then this is the time to work on one.
- The sponsor could be sending online gifts to the alien fiancee and both of them save the receipts and take pictures holding the gifts for good documentation.
- The sponsor could be sending online gifts to the alien fiancee and both of them save the receipts and take pictures holding the gifts for good documentation.
Note: If you squander the valuable 6 to 8 months doing nothing but live chatting only, and did not attempt to produce any of the mention items above,
you may kick yourself in the butt later if the US Embassy interviewer feels the relationship was not genuine or sincere?
What to do if USCIS sends you an RFE?
K1 Visa Process Timeline RFE Request for Evidence
Probably not the end of the world but still a good scare when a sponsor receives a letter in the mail from USCIS that says your case is no longer in processing do for the following reasons?
The good news is, it’s not the end of the world but it is a setback.
In all my years of assisting K1 couples, I have learned that USCIS often looses or misplaces document that was sent in with the I-129F petition?
The sponsors swear that they did not forget but USCIS claims that they did forget?
If USCIS loses one of your documents they often times will not take responsibility for it.
But many couples especially do it your-selfers who simply do not have all of the information forget to include documents that pertain to their case.
If you receive an RFE from USCIS then you have the responsibility to give them what they want and you only have 60 days to do it in.
Failure to meet the 60-day deadline will result in no further action to your case.
RFE Examples
- Forgot to include the couples 2×2 passport-style photos.
- Forgot to include the couples 2×2 passport-style photos.
- We found that you have criminal convictions and you forgot to include police and court records.
- We found that you have criminal convictions and you forgot to include police and court records.
- You have been married before and forgot to include divorce decrees.
- You have been married before and forgot to include divorce decrees.
- You claim you met your fiancee in person but did not include pictures or receipts as proof.
- You claim you met your fiancee in person but did not include pictures or receipts as proof.
- You and your fiancee did not include fiance letters of intent.
- You and your fiancee did not include fiance letters of intent.
- You had a name change but did not include a certificate of name change.
The above are some of the most common examples that we have heard of.
What does it mean, NOA2 petition approved?
K1 Visa Process Timeline NOA2 Approval Notice
For many couples, this would be considered an exciting time!
The sponsor would receive a postal delivery letter called the NOA2 – I-797 Notice of Action Approval Letter.
After the long wait for USCIS to process your I-129F petition, it’s finally done.
At this point, the National Visa Center is in charge of your paperwork and will be getting it ready to send to the U.S. Consulate or embassy of your alien fiancees country.
The NOA2 will also have a 4-month approval date stating the time the couple should act on the approval?
Generally from the time the sponsor receives the NOA2 it takes up to 6 weeks before the U.S. Consulate receives the I-129F paperwork.
It is important for the couple to wait on this process because they have to get the Case number sent to the sponsor in an email.
What is the case number?
K1 Visa Process Timeline Case Number
The case number is considered to be the last piece of the puzzle as far as the U.S. government establishing your K1 Visa case.
The case number is created by the Department of foreign affairs and then given to the U.S. Embassy or consulate that your fiancee will attend the interview.
The couple cannot proceed to scheduling a K1 Visa interview or medical exam unless they have the case number.
All case numbers similar to the receipt number start with 3 capital letters. For example, if the interview is being held in Manila Philippines theirs would start with MNL.
Consider the case number to be the last key to unlock all of the doors leading right up to a medical exam and then the U.S. Embassy interview.
How the couple should prepare for the U.S. Embassy?
K1 Visa Process Timeline Interview

Hopefully, you did not wait until the last minute to gather up all of the important documents, financial records of the sponsor and saving lots of emails and other proof of ongoing relationship documents?
Not every couple is going to have all of these items, it is based on the over-all individual life and could be very simple of very messy?
Below is a list of the most common items the couple need for the US Embassy interview.
- I-797 NOA2
. - CASE NUMBER Letter
. - DS-160 Confirmation
. - Nonimmigrant visa application paid
. - Total of 8 2×2 passport-style photos
. - Original passport
. - Birth certificate
. - Proof of singleness
. - Police record
. - US Embassy interview confirmation
- Genuine relationship proof
. - More couples photos
. - Divorce decrees if applicable
. - Proof of engagement
. - Medical exam sealed envelop
. - CD X-ray
. - DS3025 Vaccination Documentation
. - Financial support receipts
. - I-134 Affidavit of support
. - Sponsors tax records
. - Sponsors Bank Statements
What is the DS-160?
K1 Visa Process Timeline DS-160
The DS-160 is the nonimmigrant visa application that the K1 applicant will fill out online once the I-129F petition has been approved.
The online electronic application is an in-depth collection of information that the U.S. Department of State will keep records of on the applicant.
Once the DS-160 has been filled out online and a 2×2 passport style-photo has been uploaded to it you will need to put your electronic signature on it then printout the confirmation page to be used at the medical exam and embassy interview. [DS-160..]
What is the nonimmigrant visa application fee?
K1 Visa Process Timeline Nonimmigrant Visa Application Fee
(K) visa class must pay $265. and if they have K2 children each child is required to pay the fee also. [Learn More..]
The nonimmigrant visa application fee is in connection to the online DS-160. It should be noted that K2 children must also complete the DS-160 if you have any?
The fee of $265 is to be paid in the currency of the country your alien fiancee lives in? The filing fee of $265. is used for research of the K1 applicant.
At what point does an embassy interview get scheduled?
K1 Visa Process Timeline Interview Scheduling
Once the alien fiancee has paid for the nonimmigrant visa application fee they are now ready to schedule an online interview with the U.S. Embassy or consulate that they will be attending?
To schedule an online interview, you must create an account and then carefully answer all of the questions about yourself and if you have K2 children include them also. [Online Interview..]
At what point does the alien fiancee go to the medical exam?
K1 Visa Process Timeline Medical Exam
The medical exam will be held in the country of your alien fiancee.
The medical exam is done one to two weeks before the interview. A medical exam is normally done once the interview is scheduled.
If the K1 applicant has K2 children the children must attend the medical exam with their parent.
You may or may not be required to schedule an appointment for your medical exam as this will be different from country to country.
You are advised to bring any chest x-rays and or vaccination records that you may have and also for your K2 children is applicable?
The cost of the medical exam for adults age 14 and above is $335. and payable in that countries currency.
K2 children age 13 and under only pay $185.
U.S. Embassy interview K1 Visa Possible Questions?
K1 Visa Process Timeline Interview Questions
Being overly prepared is best! I tell all my clients that if your in doubt about an item then bring it as it is better to have too much than not enough and interviewers are sometimes asking for items that are not normally required.
The K1 applicant must not only be prepared with several supporting documents but they better also have a lot of knowledge about the U.S. sponsor to whom they want to marry?
In the 6 to 8 months the couple should have been learning a lot about each other including the stuff many of us prefer not talking about like previous marriages, criminal records, employment, and anything that you think is of major importance?
Interviewers usually will ask questions that are located on the I-129F application and here is a list of what could be asked?
- Sponsors name
. - Sponsors date of birth
. - Where sponsor was born
. - How you both found each other
. - How long you known each other
. - How many times in person you met
. - Has the sponsor been married before
. - Does the sponsor have kids
. - What are their names
. - How old are they
. - What’s the name of the sponsor’s parents
. - Does the sponsor have criminal records
. - Where does the sponsor work
. - How long has he worked there
. - What is his job title
. - What address does he live at now
. - How long has he lived there
. - Do you both share the same religious beliefs
. - Why do you want to go to the USA
. - Did you have an engagement party
- Do you know the name of his ex
. - Do you know how long they were married
. - Do you know the reason for the divorce
. - Have you ever been married
. - Do you have children
. - Have you ever been convicted of a crime
. - Has anyone ever tried to petition you before
. - Have you lived in other countries
. - Have you met the parents of the sponsor
. - Have your parents met the sponsor
. - What did you and the sponsor do together on vacation
. - How tall is the sponsor
. - How much does the sponsor weigh
. - What color eyes does the sponsor have
. - Do you both communicate in English
. - What are all of the ways you communicate
What happens after the U.S. Embassy interview?
K1 Visa Process Timeline Delivery of the U.S. Embassy Visa Packet
The K1 visa process has many phases that a couple is forced to go through in order to get the K1 visa in your hands.
One of the last phases of the process is waiting for the K1 visa to be delivered to your alien fiancee’s address?
If you live in a country where the embassy does not create the K1 visa on the same day for you then you will be asked to return to your home and wait sometimes up to 21-days if you were approved?
If you were not approved but not denied either then you would have been sent home with a letter 221(g) which is basically the same thing as a request for evidence.
This means that the interviewer could not make a decision until they have further proof.
Applicants who are sent home with a letter 221(g) have only 60-days to send back to the embassy the requested documents asked for or else the K1 visa process timeline will end in a denial.
If you have been approved or are waiting to be approved, you can periodically go here to check the status of your visa by entering your case number and selecting Immigrant Visa IV simply go here to found out the status of your visa? [My Visa Status..]

Note: It is very important to be at home to receive the visa packet and carefully inspect it before signing for it?
If there are any damages to the plastic or noticeable tares on the yellow envelop then you should not receive it until it has been fixed?
The visa packet must be in your possession at all times when traveling to the USA and handed over to a Customs Border Patrol Office at your US port of entry.
If there is any damage or tampering with the visa packet you could be denied entry.