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FilAm Immigration Services
2024 update: You may file Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, 90 calendar days before you complete your continuous residence requirement if your eligibility for naturalization is based upon being a: Permanent resident for at least 5 years; or. Permanent resident for at least 3 years if you are married to a US citizen.
Eligibility to Naturalize
Get Started Now
I am a Lawful Permanent Resident of 5 Years
Or I arrived to the United states and been married to a US Citizen 3 years or longer.
Naturalization is the way that a non citizen not born in the United States voluntarily becomes a U.S. citizen.
The most common path to U.S. citizenship through naturalization is being a lawful permanent resident (LPR) for at least five years.
For more information on determining the earliest accepted filing date for your naturalization application, see the USCIS Early Filing Calculator.
Before you can apply for naturalization, you must meet certain eligibility requirements.
Depending on your situation, different requirements may apply to you.
- Permanent resident for at least 5 years; or
- Permanent resident for at least 3 years if you are married to a US citizen.
- Be at least 18 years old when you submit form N-400.
- Show you have been a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States for at least five years;
- Demonstrate continuous residencein the United States for at least five years immediately before the date you file Form N-400;
- Show you have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the five years immediately before the date you file Form N-400;
- Show you have lived for at least three months in a state or USCIS district having jurisdiction over your place of residence.
(If you are a student and are financially dependent on your parents, you may apply for naturalization where you go to school or where your family lives.); - Show that you are a person of good moral character and have been a person of good moral character for at least five years immediately before the date you file Form N-400;
- Demonstrate an attachment to the principles and ideals of the U.S. Constitution;
- Be able to read, write and speak basic English;
- Have knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the history, and of the principles and form of government, of the United States, (civics); and
- Take an Oath of Allegiance to the United States.
If you meet the above requirements and would like assistance through the whole process, you can procure our naturalization package for a one time fee of$150.
- One of our friendly staff members will arrange to consult you for free
- Our online bio data collection will be included
- One of our Sr. Visa advisors will correctly complete your N-400 for you
- In a email, we will provide you with a detailed list of needed requirements to gather up
- Later once everything has been gathered up and the application is done, we will email you a step-by-step guide on how to place everything so that you can mail it to USCIS
- Included are, also details needed for you to study about the US Constitution, a list of 100 questions pertaining to the civics test, and understanding the Oath of Allegiance to the United States
- Included is, answer to all your questions anytime you have a question or concern. Once you have completed your naturalization ceremony, then we will have fulfilled our commitment
❌ This package is not covered under our money back guarantee
❌ Government fees are not included with this package
The new government filing fee for application N-400 as of April 1, 2024 is $845. this fee includes the bio-metric fee of $85.
If you file online the fee will be $795. which also includes the bio-metric fee of $85.
FilAm Immigration Assistance fee is a one time payment of $150.
Contact us here to make your payment
Filipino Naturalizing to become a US Citizen,
The Citizenship Process. N-400

Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen Requires Patience
This page is to assist Filipinos who have immigrated to the USA with a K1 Visa, CR1/IR1 Spouse Visa.
You may have been a client already to FilAm Immigration Services, so don’t hesitate to contact us ask questions and we’ll always have an answer for you.
FilAm will properly complete your N-400 Application for you.
Guide you on your specific supporting documents and records according to your case type.
US Citizenship Requirements:
For a Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen. Have a look to make sure that you really can naturalize to become a U.S. Citizen?
The easiest and the fastest way to become a U.S. citizen is to marry a U.S. citizen but this applies to you if you are single.
For others, the process of becoming a U.S. citizen can take longer or shorter depending on the legal status of the person.
The basic process for moving from permanent residence status to naturalized citizen requires that the person first must meet the following general requirements:
1- they must physically reside in the U.S. for a continuous period (exact time may vary)
2- they must demonstrate the ability to read, write, and speak English.
3- they must reside in a particular USCIS District prior to filing (in other words they must file in the USCIS district in which they live)
4- they must have a knowledge and understanding of U.S. history and government.
5- they must demonstrate an attachment to the principles of the U.S. Constitution
6- they must be of good moral character.
7- they must have a favorable disposition toward the United States.
Good moral character, attachment to the Constitution, and favorable disposition toward the United States is required for all persons seeking naturalization.
Additional Requirements may include:
Some of the other requirements may be waived for certain people including members of the U.S. military (citizenship is not a requirement for enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces), spouses of American citizens and certain others
Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen – The passing of a test on U.S. history and government (given in English) is one of the final requirements for most applicants.
Once all of the steps have been completed, the applicant is given an appointment for a swearing-in ceremony during which they take an oath of allegiance to the U.S.
And renounce all previous citizenship rights in other nations and they become citizens with all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of U.S. citizens.
The only right they do not have is the right to be elected President, which the Constitution specifically reserves to those who are citizens by birth (by default, they also cannot be elected Vice President since they could not assume the office of President in the event of the President’s death or removal).
Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen
How long does the process take
for a Filipino naturalizing to a US Citizen?
Depending on where and when you choose to file your application, the period of time between sending in the completed application and the interview to become a U.S. Citizen can vary from five months to more than two years.
The swearing-in ceremony for receiving the naturalization certificate will then take place from 1 to 180 days after the interview, although in a few U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS, formerly known as the INS) district offices, it can take another one or two years.
The length of time for the entire process depends on the number of U.S. Citizenship applications the USCIS offices receive in each state.
Additionally, making a mistake on your application can cost you even more time. However, by using our service we could help you to avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes.
Are we able to give you a 100% GUARANTEE?
The answer for this is an absolute “NO”! Nobody can offer you such a guarantee, as a Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen requires on your part intelligence, people willing to take the time to study and are able to retain U.S. History, government in which sadly to say even most born Americans could not pass!
Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen
Follow These Easy Steps to Become a U.S. Citizen!
We researched and consulted with immigration lawyers on how to become a U.S. Citizen in the clearest, most accurate way possible.
The entire naturalization process is outlined below.
1. Submit Your Complete Application. Go to the US government’s, immigration and naturalization website, which contains specific information and the exact requirements necessary for people who want to become US citizens.
Immigrants who are permanent residents need to fill out the N-400 form which can be downloaded and printed directly from this website.
It is necessary for a person to be a permanent resident prior to applying for citizenship.
Complete and print your U.S. Citizenship application form. Follow filing instructions to obtain two approved passport-sized photos. Where do I get passport photos?
Collect all required supporting documents Ensure each of these documents is properly completed and/or translated.
Mail your application package to the correct USCIS location.
2. Get Fingerprinted. Receive an acknowledgment letter from the USCIS that they received your application.
Go to the fingerprinting location specified in the letter from the USCIS on the scheduled date and time to get your fingerprints taken.
Send any additional documents to the USCIS that they may have requested in the letter
3. Attend USCIS Interview and Take Tests. If you qualify, prepare for the citizenship test and interview by studying basic US history and civics.
You also must be able to demonstrate that you have basic proficiency in the English language.
To improve your English skills and prepare for the citizenship test and interview, contact your local adult basic education or literacy program to locate an ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor or tutor.
ESL classes are a wonderful resource for immigrants and those seeking citizenship, and the classes and materials are offered *free* in most communities.
It’s a good idea to contact your local library or community college to find out about the nearest classes or to get contact phone numbers for the classes.
Taking the classes will bolster your self-confidence, make you feel connected to the community and to other people who have come to the US from other countries, and help you with the nitty-gritty of learning US civics, history, and the English language.
Receive an interview appointment letter from the USCIS.
Go to the interview location specified in the letter from the USCIS on the scheduled date and time for the interview.
Bring identification and any additional documents that the USCIS may have requested in the letter.
Answer interview questions about your application and background.
Take the English & Civics Tests. Wait for a decision from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
4. Take the Oath to Become a U.S. Citizen.
Receive a ceremony date letter from the USCIS. Check-in at the ceremony location specified in the letter from the USCIS on the scheduled date and time. Return your Permanent Resident Card.
Answer questions about what you have done since your interview.
Take the Oath of Allegiance. Receive your Certificate of Naturalization. Enjoy your new life as a United States Citizen!
Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen
- Interviewers at the citizenship interview will ask you questions from a list of 100 U.S. history and civics questions.
You will be asked to answer the questions orally or in written form. You can learn the answers to these questions on the website to reinforce what you learn in your ESL class.
- Be sure you memorize all the information you have given on your N-400 form.
Know your permanent resident number as well as dates of departure and arrival for any trip you have taken outside the U.S. since becoming a permanent resident.
Also, be able to provide the reason for the trip (business, vacation, to visit family, etc.)
You can and will be asked questions taken from the information you give on your N-400 form, so be sure you know it thoroughly.
- It is very important to read, understand, and be able to explain in your own words the “Oath of Allegiance”.
You can be asked about this in your interview.
An ESL instructor can and should help you with this.
- Be sure to practice “small talk” before you have your interview.
That is, practice talking about the weather, asking how someone is doing, etc.
This shows you can interact with others in basic English.
- Don’t give up! Adjusting to life in the U.S. is filled with challenges and joys.
If you reach out to others who want to help and keep taking concrete steps toward achieving your goal of becoming a citizen, you will succeed!
- When you become a citizen, it’s a good idea to register to vote and get your passport quickly.
Filipino Naturalizing to a US Citizen
Naturalizing Timeline:
You can go over the timeline which gives you an idea about how much time is involved with this process?
How long the naturalization process takes depends on each particular applicant’s status.
As of 2024, if you file the forms and supporting documents accurately, are not from a historically “high fraud” area and avoid receiving requests for additional documentation (RFEs), the processing time for a typical naturalization application is 6 to 7 months from start to finish on average.
1. NOA1:
2 to 3 weeks after you file the N-400, you will receive a Notice of Action confirming that the USCIS has received it.
If no documentary or administrative requests are in the Notice, no further action is presently required.
2. NOA2: 4 to 6 weeks
The Applicant receives the second Notice of Action from the USCIS notifying them of the date, time and location of the mandatory biometrics appointment.
3. NOA3: 2 to 3 months
The Applicant receives written notification as to the date, time and USCIS office location for the mandatory USCIS naturalization interview.
4. Application Approval/Denial 4 to 5 weeks
Applicant attends the interview and receives notification of whether his or her naturalization application was granted, continued or denied.
5. Oath of Allegiance Ceremony 2 to 6 weeks
The USCIS informs the approved applicant as to the date, time and location for the next scheduled Oath of Allegiance ceremony.
Once the oath is completed, the applicant receives the Certificate of Naturalization.
Please note that all the times above are approximate and can vary based on many different circumstances.
These are not intended as a guarantee but as educational.
The cost of filing the initial application for naturalization is generally $845.
This total represents the initial $760 N-400 filing fee and the $85 bio-metrics charge, both of which are paid with a single check when initially submitting the application to the USCIS.
Government fees are fixed (filing fees) but usually there will usually be additional, variable costs as well.
$845. filing fee to USCIS

Hi FilAm!
This is Maria Rossbach from Wisconsin USA, I am now officially a US citizen. I received my naturalization certificate after my oath-taking this morning. I am very excited to apply for a US passport.
Thank you so much for your help from the beginning until the end. Next few years we will buy a house in Bacolod. My husband and I are hoping to meet you so we can thank you for everything personally. Sincerely, Maria 09/05/2019
If you have a desire to do the process correctly then I would advise you to find out if they can assist you the same way they did me?