K1/K2 How to prepare for the medical and interview

Interview Now Scheduled:
Once you have you’re U.S. Embassy Interview scheduled, you can get all of your folders ready for both the medical and the K1 Embassy interview.

Below is a sequence that you can follow to set up all of you’re folders. You don’t have to follow our examples as some K1 Applicants have other helpful ways that they present their case. But our example is to keep you going in the right direction.

Everyone’s case is different, therefore you may or may not need everything mentioned in our list of requirements? Some items may not be applicable to you or you’re sponsor.

You’re going to want to have several nice looking folders to carry all of you’re supporting documents in. We prefer folders that have a pocket in them and it’s going to be up to you if you like long folders or short folders?

The best color to use is a light tan, but if you like to have different colors to help you find what you need then that’s alright also.

You could have up to 8 folders:
Like we mentioned, some of this stuff you may not have, therefore you may not need this many folders?

Title each Folder like this:

Folder #1: St. Luke’s Medical Requirements

Folder #2: K1 Applicants Required Docs.

Folder #3: K1 U.S. Sponsors Required Docs.

Folder #4: K1 Relationship Proof Electronic Communication

Folder #5: K1 Relationship Proof Postal Mail

Folder #6: K1 Relationship Proof Phone Call Records

Folder #7: K1 Relationship Proof Financial Support

Folder #8: K1 Relationship Proof Gift Packages

Scrapbook: used for Couples photos


Here are the items to place in those folders

Folder #1: St. Luke’s Medical Requirements
This folder is the only folder of items that you need to take to St. Luke’s. If you have any K2 children, then you may want to have a separate folder for their stuff?

• U.S. Embassy Appointment letter.

• Original Philippines passport and photocopy of the biographic page.

• The St. Luke’s online medical form.

• 4 – pieces of 2×2 passport-style photos with you’re full name printed on back.

• DS-160 Confirmation printed out with your photo on it.

• 1 – original and one photocopy of you’re PSA Birth Certificate.

• 1 – photocopy of the NOA1 and NOA2

• 1 – Photocopy of the letter of eligibility, which is your MNL CASE NUMBER letter.

• If you have any surgeries or medical evaluations done chest Xrays in the past bring those records.

• If you have had any inoculations done in the past bring those records also.

• Bring the correct amount to pay Adults Php 17,025.00 K2 Child Php 9,583.00


The Rest of you’re folders will be used at the interview.

Folder #2: K1 Applicants Required Docs.
This folder is going to be you’re main folder used for the interview. It will contain all of the requirements of a K1 Applicant. You can choose to place K2 Children’s stuff in a separate folder if you like?

  • U.S. Embassy Appointment letter.
  • Original Philippines passport and photocopy of the biographic page.
  • 4 – pieces of 2×2 passport-style photos with you’re full name printed on back.
  • Bring the St. Luke’s sealed brown envelope.
  • Bring the St. Luke’s DS-3025 Vaccination Documentation Worksheet.
  • 1 – photocopy of the NOA1 and NOA2
  • 1 – Photocopy of the letter of eligibility, which is your MNL CASE NUMBER letter.
  • DS-160 Confirmation printed out with your photo on it.
  • 1 – original and one photocopy of you’re PSA Birth Certificate.
  • Bring NBI Clearance for USA Visa (1) original.
    (Attention if you had more other names such as married names, maiden names you must get NBI in all previously used names also.)
  • 1 – PSA Original Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) Also if you had other names?
  • Bring other Country Police records if this applies to you? (If Applicable)


Folder 3 is for the U.S. Sponsors items

Folder #3: K1 U.S. Sponsors Required Docs.
The sponsors folder will contain all of the requirements that pertain to him? Not all sponsors have the same requirements and therefor some of the mentioned items below may not pertain to you?

  • US sponsors Birth Certificate 1 – photocopy front and back..
    (Attention if the sponsor was not born in the USA he must provide photocopies of every page in his US Passport)
  • 1 – photocopy of the U.S. Passport biographic information page.
  • (If Applicable) U.S. Sponsor provide photocopies of all Divorce decrees or death certificates from previous Marriages.
  • (If Applicable) U.S. Sponsor provide photocopies of all Police and Court records of Criminal Convictions, that fall under IMBRA.
  • I-134 Affidavit of Support (8) original pages with his signature.
  • (If Applicable) Sponsors IRS schedule 1040, 1090 or 1099 photocopies of tax records from the most previous tax year.
  • (If Applicable) Photocopies of W-2 statement from the previous tax year.
  • (If Applicable) If the Sponsor is retired provide photocopies of supporting documents of pension or Social Security.
  • 6 – months of checking account statements.
  • (If Applicable) Sponsors last (6 months) of Employee pay-stubs photocopies.
  • Sponsors who fall short of meeting the poverty guidelines may include supporting documents of their Assets. (photocopies)


The folders below talk about proof of relationship documents.

Folder #4: K1 Relationship Proof Electronic Communication
The best and most convincing items to show the interviewer is going to be emails. Emails with the full header and the date, subject line and email addresses of who sent to and who it came from is what they are looking for. Often times interviewers will ask you to give them 100 pages of emails.

Other not as important items that fall under electronic communication are things like,

• Facebook timeline screenshots

• Facebook messenger screenshots

• Skype screenshots

• Viber screenshots

• WhatsApp screenshots


Folder #5: K1 Relationship Proof Postal Mail
Most couples do not send each other postal letters or post cards, but if you do then yes these are actually gold nuggets at an interview because it shows that the couple exercised patience in sending snail mail.

They took time to handwrite a letter carry it to a post office and pay postage. If you have any of these best to show the original envelope and letter.

Folder #6: K1 Relationship Proof Phone Call Records
An other not so popular way of communicating due to cost is the phone to phone calling. This is expensive but still there are some couples that use this method, so if your one of them,

then you should have phone bill records that show calls made to a specific number in the Philippines or to the US? Highlight those calls to help the interviewer pick them out faster.

Folder #7: K1 Relationship Proof Financial Support
This one almost everyone has! If your receiving financial support from you’re sponsor, then you need to take all of the receipts and place them together in order according to their dates.

Also the sponsor should send you his records either through scanning and emailing to you or deliver in person? You may also have saved the receipts for things that you purchased or maybe paid bills with it like rent, electric, grocery, medical, transportation etc..

Folder #8: K1 Relationship Proof Gift Packages
A real gold nugget of proof is, if you’re sponsor fiance sent you packaged gifts either from the USA or through an online service in the Philippines?

The K1 applicant can take pictures of themselves, holding the gift and attach the delivery receipt and also the sponsors receipt of purchase to the picture. Example of gifts can be,

• Flowers

• Roses

• Chocolates

• Teddy Bears

• Balloons

• Electronic devices

• Clothe

• Gift Certificates

• Perfume


This last item Couple Photos

Scrapbook: used for Couples photos
Very important and very compelling to have a nice presentable scrapbook with up to 20 of your most memorable photos together. The U.S. Embassy doesn’t allow spiral metal ring photo albums inside as they consider this to be a safety hazard?

If you have nice real printed out couples photos some together with your family all of these are very nice in showing the interviewer that you both are a real couple? You can neatly write little captions to each picture with some description of where it was taken and a date.


Carry everything in a nice box

File Carrier box or File bag with shoulder strap works best.
Many K1 Applicants also use a large purse with shoulder straps. It will depend on the amount of documents you will be carrying to your interview?

Keep in mind that you are advised to use as much of the same items when you go to your CFO Seminar which is a Philippines government interview also that is going to have one on one interviewing with a worker and they often times are asking you to show them proof of an ongoing relationship stuff as what we mentioned earlier?

Please be sure to keep everything in a nice presentable orderly fashion after the U.S. Embassy Interview so that when you attend CFO – GCP it will be much easier for you? 

Keep things from getting wet or damaged


Dress for Success is Equally Important in your Interview

How to Prepare Yourself to look outstanding?

Attending your interview is more than just to answer some questions, it is also about appearance.

Dress your best while attending your interview. Remember the interviewer reserves the right of who they want to allow into the USA. Well dressed, groomed, conducting yourself in a well-behaved manner goes a long way at an interview, so dress for success & act like you are applying for a job as the president’s secretary.

The applicants who come to their interview with their arms loaded full of evidence are usually the ones that get approved & are in and out of their interview in 5 to 10 minutes. Carry your case files in a bag or container for organizing everything, properly labeled will look impressive and also helps you to find items quickly.

Interviewers will believe that you are serious.